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  • happy thanksgiving!
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November 19, 2022
Quilter’s Thanksgiving from Gwen's Quilts

Thanksgiving is the holiday we celebrate here in the USA on the forth Thursday in November each year. It originated with our ancestors as a harvest celebration. It has morphed in modern times into a day that we are mindful of and grateful for all of the things that make us comfortable, bring us joy and enrich our lives. Each has their own personal list. We, at Handi Quilter, are grateful for quilting.


Comfort, joy and enrichment? Quilting fits that description to a T!

After all, what could make you more comfortable than a warm snugly quilt? And joy? There ...

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Quilter’s Thanksgiving from Essie's Quilts

Thanksgiving is the holiday we celebrate here in the USA on the forth Thursday in November each year. It originated with our ancestors as a harvest celebration. It has morphed in modern times into a day that we are mindful of and grateful for all of the things that make us comfortable, bring us joy and enrich our lives. Each has their own personal list. We, at Handi Quilter, are grateful for quilting.


Comfort, joy and enrichment? Quilting fits that description to a T!

After all, what could make you more comfortable than a warm snugly quilt? And joy? There ...

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November 24, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving from Essie's Quilts

We, at Handi Quilter, want to wish all of our quilting friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends and be sure to carve out a little time for what you love best, Quilting!

happy thanksgiving card on a dining table


We are grateful for YOU.

We love to help quilters finish more quilts with tools, education, and inspiration. You make the world a softer, warmer, more beautiful place by finishing quilts. Here’s to YOU, our quilting friends! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and warm, beautiful quilts.



by Mary Beth Krapil

The post Happy Thanksgiving appeared first on Handi Quilter.

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Happy Thanksgiving from Gwen's Quilts

We, at Handi Quilter, want to wish all of our quilting friends a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends and be sure to carve out a little time for what you love best, Quilting!

happy thanksgiving card on a dining table


We are grateful for YOU.

We love to help quilters finish more quilts with tools, education, and inspiration. You make the world a softer, warmer, more beautiful place by finishing quilts. Here’s to YOU, our quilting friends! May your days be filled with love, laughter, and warm, beautiful quilts.



by Mary Beth Krapil

The post Happy Thanksgiving appeared first on Handi Quilter.

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  • happy thanksgiving!
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